Sunday, May 22, 2011

Coffee Farming in Maine

Hi All,

I'll be roasting this weekend in the wee hours of Monday morning, and then shipping and delivering later that day. Please send your orders by Sunday evening to be sure of getting your favorites for this week.

The delicious coffee selection for the week is on the website ( and we have a nice selection here if you need anything before Monday.

As improbable as it may sound, right here in Maine, alongside potatoes, Maple syrup, pine trees and lobster, grows coffee!

Well, sort of.

Attached is a photo of our fledgling coffee farm (um . . . in our dining room). She has just survived another winter by the window, so we are justifiably proud of her.

You will however, note a distinct lack of the all-important coffee cherry. Meaning that getting coffee from our finca is but a distant fantasy. If it comes, we anticipate a bumper crop of approximately 17 cherries (34 beans!) three years from now, and after individually butchering the cherries to extract the beans and then somehow drying them property, I would roast them (hopefully) in my little sample roaster, then grind them and with great ceremony brew up about a half cup of something that tastes like . . . yuck.

But its a pretty houseplant, none the less . . . and its a way of appreciating that this stuff does actually come from the earth and not from heat sealed bags. You can get these later in the spring at your local greenhouse if you'd like to try your hand at coffee farming. And shucks, if you act now (actually if several of you act now), three years from now, we can pool our coffee and call ourselves a co-op. Nice!

Have a great weekend, everyone. Thanks for supporting the coffee. Buy some today.

Best regards,
